Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Analysis of BSX Endurance Run Test from December 9, 2016

At first glance, having your anaerobic pace drop from a 5:43 to a 6:08 is disappointing. But the heart rate training zone results are encouraging. And I didn't think this BSXinsight Endurance Run Test "felt" good.

Back in February when I hit 5:43, I hit that heart rate at 162 BPM (which was up from 160 BPM in November 2015). Now, I don't hit my anaerobic threshold until 165 BPM. I'm no expert, but this tells me I'll be able to do more work (bigger engine) at lower heart rates (totally a diesel). I just need to get my speed back up there (turbo diesel?), which I obviously did over a two month time frame last year. Why can't I do the same thing this year? (All that Ultra Beast training zapped my "speed.")

Similarly, my aerobic range moved from 131-146 up to 133-149. Which kind of sucks, because I have to work harder to get into that range. But this explains why I've felt comfortable chugging along at 150ish BPM recently.

How can I use this information?

Until my next test, I'll continue to shoot for 145-150 for my MAF training runs (instead of keeping it below 145). And for my threshold interval runs, I'll remind myself to feel comfortable pushing all the way up to 165. I tend to freak out when I see 160 BPM. It's a mental game. I've told myself that I'm not supposed to be able to run this fast.

Heart Rate


Because this test didn't feel so hot, I plan to test again on Friday, December 30, 2016.

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