Saturday, February 18, 2017

How to make a spear for the Spartan Race spear throw obstacle

Tired of failing the spear throw? Then make yourself a spear and practice a little. You can make a spear for less than $15 by picking up a few parts from your local hardware store.

Shopping List

Required Tools

  • Hacksaw (if you don't have one of these as an adult, just buy one)
  • Patience (free)


  1. Cut the nail head off of the nail/spike
  2. Put a "good amount" of epoxy in the hole at the rake handle so when the nail is in there the epoxy doesn't squirt out
  3. Put some epoxy on the end of the nail where you cut the head of the nail off
  4. Place the nail in the end of the rake handle (pointy side out, duh)
  5. Stand the spear up and make sure the nail and handle are aligned
  6. Put more epoxy around the nail, so you fill any gaps between the nail and the metal end of the rake handle
  7. Let the epoxy set
That's it.

Optional steps

Add a little character to your spear...
  1. Wait for the epoxy to set
  2. Sand the shinny finish off of the rake handle
  3. Sand the shinny metal end of the rake handle to give it a flat look
  4. Use painters tape to wrap the metal end of the rake handle
  5. Stick the spear in the ground
  6. Spray paint the handle with a color of your choice